Hola! This website is now home to Melano Nutrition private practice and Functional Medicine Nutrition Blog.
The veggie products have their own home under our new brand The Beneficial Bakery!
Please visit our new product site, and we cannot wait to share nutrition nerdy bits here as well as all things Melano Nutrition private practice.
What if you are not diabetic? Glycemic control is still really important to overall health. But before you say ‘sugar is bad’ consider that this doesn't make sense unless you also consider what your overall diet looks like. Context matters.
An atole that tastes like pumpkin pie. Here is New Jersey it’s the season of crisp cool mornings and chilly afternoons. Or as we like to call it, it’s the season of Atole! Nothing says fall to me like a big cup of creamy atole. Especially Atole de Calabaza or Camote (Pumpkin or Sweet Potato) lightly sweetened. Cozy!
Atole de arroz, a warm, hearty, creamy and drinkable cousin to rice pudding. Atoles are hot drinks that are usually thickened with fresh masa harina or cornstarch, sometimes amaranth and as with this recipe for this warm rice drink, arroz! This drink is a portion of the daily diet for many people living in rural areas of Mexico, where it is consumed for breakfast or dinner. Since pre-Hispanic times, the atole has often been considered more of a meal than a drink.