Hola! This website is now home to Melano Nutrition private practice and Functional Medicine Nutrition Blog.

The veggie products have their own home under our new brand The Beneficial Bakery!

Please visit our new product site, and we cannot wait to share nutrition nerdy bits here as well as all things Melano Nutrition private practice.


We are all different -- from our thumbprint to our cellular chemistry to our taste buds. We don’t all fit into the same category or textbook answer. Therefore, the road to recovery is unique to each client.

As a Certified Nutritional Therapist, I work to customize plans, protocols, and recipes that support and fit YOU, all while being realistic about your daily schedule and time constraints. To achieve your goals and rev up your current health, we will meet for bi-weekly appointments, check-ins and visits, based on the service you choose.

Food is one of the best forms of medicine. I know from personal experience and through practice and research, that when the body is given the proper nutritional balance to support any imbalance (that causes harmful symptoms), the body will be restored to neutral. Together, we will come up with a short and long term plan for your needs. 

I am not your standard Nutritional Therapist or Spiritual Coach. I believe that the majority of today’s skyrocketing health issues, from obesity to type 2 diabetes, are directly related to the foods we eat. Not just processed, junk food, but also foods we THINK are healthy, but are not! My mission is to help people regain their health by eating real, delicious food. I love to teach, help, and empower people. Here’s what I can do and would love to do for you:

  • I practice a specialized form of functional nutrition with a heavy focus on microbiome restoration and I have been doing this for years. I have had the honor of working with t people searching for long lasting change. Many of my clients find me after working with numerous traditional and alternative practitioners. I meet you where you are at and take into consideration your biochemical processes along with the emotional relationship you have with your circumstances. I do this through advanced testing and supplement protocols along with loving support.

  • Help you develop actionable priorities and an overall strategy for improving your health.

  • Chat about your health experiences and suggest useful tests to discuss with your doctor.

  • If you are interested, I also offer a variety of classes and workshops. I can teach you how to cook nutrient dense foods, how to put together a nutrient complete and easy meal plan for the week or simply learn how to make something fun! I also offer batch cooking classes and off to college prep!


I offer complimentary 15 minute calls to answer any questions you may have about working together and use an easy to navigate online scheduling system. I also maintain a virtual practice to accommodate my clients from around the world. Click here to schedule an appointment with me.


I am not a medical doctor or a health care practitioner, so here’s what I can’t do and what I can do instead:

can’t order blood tests for you.

What I can do instead: suggest tests that your doctor can order and companies that will provide physician authorization signatures themselves. I can also order a variety of functional tests as well, such as stool, urine, hormone and food allergens.

can’t diagnose you with a disease.

What I can do instead: discuss, in an educational nature,

can’t treat any disease you may have.

What I can do instead: discuss, in an educational nature, the possible ways to prevent, mitigate, or treat a disease.

can’t bill your insurance.

I will provide you with a receipt for your payment, but your health insurance will decide whether to cover or reimburse them.

I am passionate about helping you in the best way possible, so here’s what I won’t do and what I will do instead:

What I will do: look at you, as a wonderful whole being, to help you meet your health goals.

won’t sell you 90 supplements or give you supplemental advice that directly earns me a commission. NEVER

What I will do instead: discuss supplements and dietary approaches that might be useful, and help you decide what would be the most cost-effective options to meet your goals.

If you’ve found Melano Nutrition, you’re already on your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. The next step on your journey is a consultation, where I look at you as your unique self -- as a whole, not defined by your symptoms.
