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Seasonal Allergies Support Kit Part 4!

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Seasonal Allergies Support Kit Part 4 Diane Melano

Weleda’s Sinus Allergy Formula-

A homeopathic-based remedy, this product is one I recommend to children when allergies kick in. European elder clears up a runny nose, while phosphorus helps to open up nasal blockages and reduce inflammation.

So while it may be tempting to pop those 24-hour allergy pills, it’s worth it to try more natural, safe methods. A combination of lifestyle changes and holistic supplements will help your body restore itself to a healthy state, without any disrupting side effects.


Top dietary offenders that can produce allergy-like symptoms are wheat and dairy. If you cut out gluten and milk products from your diet, you might find that congestion, rashes, and “brain fog” dissipate. Consider food sensitivity testing with me.

Make sure to talk to a medical professional before starting any new treatments.

{Note: This is not medical advice}